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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:46 pm
by robadv7 Whelp of Newerth | 35 Posts

zephir-4 skill has original and now is agi
eletrician- str
new open sound has telesspa (talk name)
interface customize
demon of fire, hero int- new hero with all new skill work.(perfect)(i make 1ª and 3ª skill) (2ª and 4 was telesspa) because you 3ª skill telespa was bug and 1ª no give level extra damage level
metha clauker- hero new from hon extreme, her is very good and all skill work
heroes was balanced
removed jedi and valmont, very very strong(invencible)
iten strider was removed- has bug, you buy and change for another marcher and you have 450 speed.
iten harskon blade - real valoe- 4875 gold
i go next updadate make new heroes and some balanced.
kunka is int now- no has slot str for her (you skill has mor damege now)
My modication give mor combate and balenced for game. is very good for 5v5.
tradução para portugues pois essa versão é principalmente para brasileiros.

i love sordit ,pureevil29 and telesppa modfication, and i using all for make my version. some things i m make for have one good game.
pureevil is the best off all and i using you version for all modification. i update you version 1.3.2 b for 1.3.2c and 1.3.2d , pleas if you can in next update opem mor slots for mor heroes.and see all time bar of heath and mana. sory for my poor inglish.

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:02 pm
by robadv7 Whelp of Newerth | 35 Posts

o sory .
domon slayer now has only evasion in your 3ª skill, no has mor legionary move
and sory for dont tranlation for inglish my modification, i dont have one good inglish
demon of fire 1 skill is stun and damage area and 3° skill is slow+ extra damage (has some evasion) broodmother 3skill with modificarion.

i love play hon.

ifrit you can go im my blog for we talk, i know you can talk portuguese. i m need for you help. i think in make one new game using hon game. new heroes only, with new iten, change skill for all and make one another game. think 90 cunston heroes. one new game very great.

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:02 am
by pureevil29 Master Sergeant of Newerth | 248 Posts

Zitat von antaig

Zitat von pureevil29
Just cosmetic changes and portuguese translation.

Wait for my next version for the real thing ;)

I was just about to ask if you're working on something new :) I wanted to ask if it's possible to add exclusive modifiers to some heroes that should have them, for example Ursa and Broodmother, like it is now they can be combined with a Elder Parasite for example and wreak havoc. Also I mentioned this before but the Phantom Lancer's copies bash if you have a Brutalizer and that's just too powerful. The Demon Slayer is also overpowered from my experience, maybe just evasion and no retaliate and it could balance it a bit more. The Night Stalker seems to have Void two times, the descriptions seem fine but the spells are wrong.

The other things I noticed are just cosmetic, The spell descriptions are incomplete so you can't really be sure about the attack speed gains, damage and so on. Keep up the good work, cheers!

EDIT: You may also consider adding Drakoni (Obsidian) it's somewhere on these forums an it's a pretty well made conversion.

I cannot add exclusive modifiers to those skills but I changed Broodmother's skill so it has a cooldown.
Ursa's Skill is not as powerfull as dota so no need for exclusive.
Phantom Lancer's copies bash I cannot fix without messing with the gamemechanics file but I nerfed his ulti it was too powerfull late game.
Demon Slayer, Sith Lord and Jedi got nerfed and should be finally balanced now, test the new ones when I release ver. 1.4.0.
Night Stalker doesn't have his void twice.
Fixed most spells descriptions.
Wait for my final version this sunday.

PS: Can you please upload the latest version of Drakkoni, in the version I have his ulti doesn't work.


Last edited Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:49 am | Scroll up


RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:38 am
by antaig Sergeant of Newerth | 183 Posts

Zitat von pureevil29

Zitat von antaig

Zitat von pureevil29
Just cosmetic changes and portuguese translation.

Wait for my next version for the real thing ;)

I was just about to ask if you're working on something new :) I wanted to ask if it's possible to add exclusive modifiers to some heroes that should have them, for example Ursa and Broodmother, like it is now they can be combined with a Elder Parasite for example and wreak havoc. Also I mentioned this before but the Phantom Lancer's copies bash if you have a Brutalizer and that's just too powerful. The Demon Slayer is also overpowered from my experience, maybe just evasion and no retaliate and it could balance it a bit more. The Night Stalker seems to have Void two times, the descriptions seem fine but the spells are wrong.

The other things I noticed are just cosmetic, The spell descriptions are incomplete so you can't really be sure about the attack speed gains, damage and so on. Keep up the good work, cheers!

EDIT: You may also consider adding Drakoni (Obsidian) it's somewhere on these forums an it's a pretty well made conversion.

I cannot add exclusive modifiers to those skills but I changed Broodmother's skill so it has a cooldown.
Ursa's Skill is not as powerfull as dota so no need for exclusive.
Phantom Lancer's copies bash I cannot fix witout messing the the gamemechanics files but I nerfed his ulti it was too powerfull late game.
Demon Slayer, Sith Lord and Jedi got nerfed and should be finally balanced now, test the new ones when I release ver. 1.4.0.
Night Stalker doesn't have his void twice.
Fixed most spells descriptions.
Wait for my final version this sunday.

PS: Can you please upload the latest version of Drakkoni, in the version I have his ulti doesn't work.


Here is Drakoni, just played him and all is good :D I also tried out the Demon Slayer that someone posted for a different version and was the same, just didn't have the damage return and he seemed fine. Waiting for Sunday then, cheers!

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:46 am
by pureevil29 Master Sergeant of Newerth | 248 Posts


Regarding Demon Slayer, I nerfed his blink range, his dagger range and reduced the damage of the return but I did not disabled it because in dota the mortred's skill 3 also makes her almost invisible and I think it is fair to give the demon slayer something else besides just evasion.

Don't worry, I will make full testing on saturday before the release so I can balance things out.

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:55 am
by antaig Sergeant of Newerth | 183 Posts

Zitat von pureevil29

Regarding Demon Slayer, I nerfed his blink range, his dagger range and reduced the damage of the return but I did not disabled it because in dota the mortred's skill 3 also makes her almost invisible and I think it is fair to give the demon slayer something else besides just evasion.

Don't worry, I will make full testing on saturday before the release so I can balance things out.

Yeah, but here we don't have True Strike on any item so there is an advantage in that as well. More testing will reveal everything :D Cheers!

EDIT: As a side note, do you consider removing Sea Titan? Now with the revised Kraken and the Gladiator we already have almost the same hero twice. Also it would open a much needed slot, there are no more free spaces :(

Last edited Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:35 am | Scroll up


RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by pureevil29 Master Sergeant of Newerth | 248 Posts

This version was downloaded more than 1800 times! And there is a new, much improved version here:

HON LAN Dota Heroes 1.4.0 (Release Candidate)


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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:30 pm
by Gandara Leecher of Newerth | 2 Posts

how to actived health bar permanently, thanx before

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:48 am
by apsdjs Leecher of Newerth | 2 Posts

Tutorial+download HON 1.71 lan (tutorial jogar garena)

virus scan

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RE: HON LAN 1.3.2+ Dota Heroes (Stand Alone)

in DotA Heroes Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:45 pm
by needafart Whelp of Newerth | 34 Posts

sorry mates, but i still having the problem i do not know if im the onlyone but i cant run it. ones donwload if impossible run it pleas Mr. PureEvil if you can fix that thank so much.


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