
[Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:58 am
by I_Waz_Banned Whelp of Newerth | 32 Posts

Please note that this guide is not complete yet

Scout or Assasin?

Yes scout can be an amazing carry hero but you shld not overlook the fact that he could also
be a very good early game roamer. Also you will scare many heros from jungleing or roaming alone
[+] Above average MS
[+] High agi gain (3.0)
[+] Critcal Strike
[+] Nice ks nuke and slow
[-] Mele
[-] Item dependent
[-] Below average str gain makes you some what of a glass hero

Vanish - Invisiblity with increased attack spped on attack for a limited number of attacks. This is ur signature without vanish your not a scout. It will help u harras many heroes early on due to it's low mana cost. (At level 2 use this to last hit)
Electric Eye - Create ward that has moderate sight, it is hidden unless an enemy units comes too close. Wards can be silenced. This skill is what makes u so verstile it can be used in many ways that there shld be a guide just for this skill. Most important techniques include.(Remembe this skill is easly found best to create wards in hard to see spots or hard to reach spots)
Key location View - You could place these wards in key locations To keep an eye on events like if the enemy heroes are jungleing or going to attack kongor
silencing - Due to the high cd this isnt very reliebale but could in some cases be very effective because it dosn't break you vanish.
Tablet Whore - If you buy bottle early game you could use ur ward to find which point the tablet is created. Place the 1 ward near the 1 tablet spawn location and wait for the spawn time (2min, 4min, 6min, 8min, etc) if u see the tablet go on and grab it. If not it shld of spawned on the other spawn location go there and grab it
Disarm - Disable and an average criticle strike. This is what helps you keep up with the hardcore carries. It looks nice on paper but IMO it shld be delayed because the criticle is very low early levels and it needs too many skill points better used on Attribute bonus but its always your choice.
(Even though u cannot disarm an enemy for 2 seconds after its first effect u can still get criticle dmg)
Marksman Shot - Average dmg plus % dmg with a bonus slow. This is why ur not a scout but an assasin, with this abbilty in ur arsenal no one will dare roam alone combined with ur wards and stealth u are very dangerous. Uses : (Vision must be maintained or attack is canceld also this skill mini stuns so u can cancel chaneling spells. Another important fact is that enemy heroes will know when they are targeted by Marksman shot)
To initiate Ganks - Use this on there tank or dps hero early this way they will be scared to rush in maybe get a few hits on his hesitation
To Finish - A good time to use this skill is when enemy hero is below 30% health that way u will ensure a kill.
To Harras - With a low cd you could harras but u might not be able to use this when it is needed

Skill Build
1. Electric Eye
2. Vanish
3. Vanish
4. Attribute Bonus
5. Vanish
6. Marksman Shot
7. Vanish
8. Attribute Bonus
9. Attribute Bonus
10. Attribute Bonus
11. Marksman Shot
12. Disarm
13. Disarm
14. Disarm
15. Disarm
16. Marksman Shot
17. Electric Eye
18. Electric Eye
19. Electric Eye
20. Attribute Bonus
21. Attribute Bonus
22. Attribute Bonus
23. Attribute Bonus
24. Attribute Bonus
25. Attribute Bonus

Item Build

I'm open do any ideas, but remember this guide isn't finished yet, I'll be finishing it soon

Last edited Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:14 pm | Scroll up


RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:37 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

i don't agree about the point build, how long have you been playing? :S

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:05 pm
by I_Waz_Banned Whelp of Newerth | 32 Posts

I knew many wont agree here, but if u test it u will see that 4 skills for disarm early wont help much because u cant rly attack a hero that many times for it to have great effect. YOU WILL be ganked and chances of disarm are very low, so u wont get much out of it.
But i geuss if u are playing 1vs1 game then u shld get disarm early but in a 5vs5 not advised 8 attribute points will give need hp and mana.
But i geuss i shld make a second point guide
thanx for feed back :)

Edit : I have been playing for quite a while almost 3 months with my friends account but he got it banned so now i play honlan and i love it :)
(aloso i played dota for atleast 3 years)

Last edited Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:13 pm | Scroll up


RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:15 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

nope, my point is: scout isn't a hero to play in a team, he was made to kill 1 per 1, he just hav 1 hability that could help his team, and the ppl prefer use it to do ks (ultimate), the others are just to kill heroes in 1v1 or 2v2.

if you see, Plague rider or other heroes with magic/area spells are great to 5v5.

but u're right, disarm are not needed if you're playing against int heroes, but this "disarm" = 20% evasion and 20% critical i think, the spell isn't the same as retail, so it can help lots :P

Last edited Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:21 pm | Scroll up


RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:23 pm
by I_Waz_Banned Whelp of Newerth | 32 Posts

Yes u make a good point there, he is not the best team player, but wheres the fun in that, if u like scout and decide to use him in 5vs5 game IMO shld use him like this. Lol its funny how me and u are the only guide posters and repliers

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:27 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

haha xD u're right, our builds should be showed to the Tunngle ppls, there is lots of newbs, i just lost a match there, 4v2

Witch Hunter and Jeresaya - around 50 kills and 10 deaths
me my brother


Hammerstorm, Pyromancer, Accursed, Electrician - around 15 kills (my kitted teammates D:)

Zitat von I_Waz_Banned

its impossible D :

Last edited Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:33 pm | Scroll up


RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:35 pm
by I_Waz_Banned Whelp of Newerth | 32 Posts

LMAO! haha i would love to have a game like that!!

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:40 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

was ridiculous, that GEO D: and his friends

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:00 am
by Sordit Admin of Newerth | 475 Posts

Zitat von I_Waz_Banned
Lol its funny how me and u are the only guide posters and repliers

Its because this whole Guides/Strategy Forums are new. But someone has to start. So I'm happy that there are finally are some guides here. Let them come.

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:14 am
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

Zitat von Sordit

Zitat von I_Waz_Banned
Lol its funny how me and u are the only guide posters and repliers

Its because this whole Guides/Strategy Forums are new. But someone has to start. So I'm happy that there are finally are some guides here. Let them come.

Hehe, i play everyday so sometimes there is a newbie and he asks me how to play with an hero, i think my next tutorial will be Legionnarie D:

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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:30 am
by Tadiktor Part-Time Leecher of Newerth | 19 Posts


first of all i dont agree with your build. As long as the Disarm is bugged you should get it to level 1 as fas as you can. I prefer to do that with level 3. So my build is something like that:
1 - Eye
2 - Vanish
3 - Disarm
from now on max Vanish and Ulti, if you are done Disarm and than Eye. Sometimes its usefull to increase eye earlier, but most times its a public game, so noone cares ;)

I also think that Scout is a Teamplayer even if most dont play him like that. But its true that he is a good pvp Hero. In a Teamfight he can disable or beatdown the DDs, so he is very usefull. His ulti is also good for ganking.


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RE: [Not complete] - Scout guide ---- Scout or Assasin?

in Hero-Builds Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:52 am
by CaitSith1.1 Master Chief(117) of Newerth | 321 Posts

On 5V5.
Imo there is 2 differents scouts:

1-Carry scout.
2-Support scout.

1-Carry Scout.
Skill build:
-Up Vanish and disarm at max, and the eye on 12.

Item build:
At beginning:
-Hatchet, 6runes of blight, 2 mana potion, and 1 minor totem.
-RUSH and FOCUS a runed axe.
-After, purchase steamboots, if your farm is good.

-Late game items:
-Nullstone==> to become really uncatchin xD.
-Savage Mace.

2-Support Scout:
Skill build:
-Up the eye at lvl 3, and Vanish to maximum lvl. Forget the disarm.
-This guy, isn't a carry,he becomes a support-carry. so at the beggining, forget focus killin' and go farm and support ur team.
-Up the disarm at lvl10.

Item build==> Same build as Carry scout, but, build Frostburn and Nullstone. its better.^^

It's my Scout'vision.^^

-Don't forget to use wisely the eye. 6s silence IS BIG, just the time to strike and disappears, "like a whisper"^^
-At as possible, use u're ulti before Vanish. Its better.
-Ure a carry boy, that's not means ure allies is nothing. if its possible, try to save ure allies. Don't be a noobish nh. :)

RIP Baby Girl...

Last edited Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:53 am | Scroll up

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