
main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:08 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

i came up with a new design based around HON and of course our main character SORDIT in the centre looking like his gonna chop defilers head off xD hehe

hope everybody likes and hope sordit uses it

next i work on the loading screen

Attached pictures:
sordit tribute FINAL2.jpg
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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:59 pm
by pureevil29 Master Sergeant of Newerth | 248 Posts

Zitat von -}Z{-
i came up with a new design based around HON and of course our main character SORDIT in the centre looking like his gonna chop defilers head off xD hehe

hope everybody likes and hope sordit uses it

next i work on the loading screen

I love it because it is clean and the quality is amaizing. It is not overloaded with many images and its color base is not bright making ir very pleasing to the eye.

So far the best.

But not everything is perfect, I prefer that the "SORDIT" and "LAN EDITION" words to be vertical on each side and smaller so it is minimalistic and you can see more of the picture... I will upload an example of the background I use so you can understand the words positioning I am talking about.

Anyway, this has my vote for Sordit's next backgroud.

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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:13 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

thanks pureevil

il fix the wording as you describe

how bout maybe also changing the background??

il need as many ideas as possible


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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:09 am
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

nice loading screen dude! :D

Good job :)

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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:34 am
by muligan Sergeant of Newerth | 187 Posts

nice screen i like it
the right side is perfect only the text is a to big but it was mentioned already
the left side is nice too some sexy shot from fayde and it is an nice
contrast to maliken!

the colors are nice and the main background is perfect (the mouintains i mean)
sordits char is nice too but i would prefer him a bid bigger bcs the menu has to be there

the only thing i dont like is defiler i dont know but i think she doesnnt look right there

and if the menu is like before in the mid i would suggest you put some minor creeps at the bottom
or something like that so that the bottom has something maybe the standart creeps fighting each other


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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:02 pm
by Sordit Admin of Newerth | 475 Posts

Jep. n1. You may give me a version without the version-nr. I think I will add a versionnr as text from the game inside the code. So it will decrease size of patches.

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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:26 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

ok sure here you go

sordit if you can give me some time i can fix a few things i dont like for your menu

i want to make the wording smaller and the pictures more better and resized

then i will upload it for you so dont use this one please


Last edited Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:06 am | Scroll up


RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:58 pm
by CaitSith1.1 Master Chief(117) of Newerth | 321 Posts

Thats fine. good work Z, but make sure the picture doesn't be the same even if the resolution is different.^^

RIP Baby Girl...

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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:35 am
by azaznin Sergeant of Newerth | 171 Posts

i just finished the caldavar loading map/
i hope you like it.

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RE: main menu for sordit v1.3.1

in Interface Suggestions Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:45 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts


please everybody use this one

the text is smaller and straight as requested and no version number as sordit requested


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