
how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:46 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

iv gone into the game_hero_select file in the UI and tried adding more spaces for more heroes as im running out of space
now im failing somewhere and im not sure where.

iv gone to the AP hero list and tried adding more slots by copying the "<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="0" />"
and adding it under them and re numbering all the sentances but then when i load the game all the heroes are in the wrong slots like intel is in agility and some strength is in intel slots

any ideas where im goin wrong

thanking you

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:39 am
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

i try that and it was the same us..,and 2nd try i add the number into higher numbers so dat it wont complicate with other hero,but theres no luck, it just only the slot with no heroes, im trying to find out where i go wrong..., if theres anybody knows how, please share,

Last edited Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:43 am | Scroll up


RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:46 am
by Sordit Admin of Newerth | 475 Posts

Zitat von judejingx
i try that and it was the same us..,and 2nd try i add the number into higher numbers so dat it wont complicate with other hero,but theres no luck, it just only the slot with no heroes, im trying to find out where i go wrong..., if theres anybody knows how, please share,

You need more slots in all heroes? I already added slots for normal hero select with the last patch.

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:08 pm
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

hey sordit u mean the last patch the one 1.2.7 patch or the newest patch,. ok i download it now..thanks...

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:22 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

sordit wich patch did you add the hero slots bigger?

i still only have 15slots in each category

i need to make it 18 in each which is just another 3 slots in each

please help as i checked the patch v1.2.8 and im pretty sure you maybe forgot xD


Last edited Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 pm | Scroll up


RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:35 pm
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

hey -}Z{- you can add more slot through edit the game_hero_select.interface

take a look with this >>>>

<!-- Hero List - All Heroes -->
<template name="hero_list_ap">
<panel float="bottom" padding=".25h" color="invisible" noclick="1" visible="1" name="heroes">
<!-- Top Row -->
<panel height="10%" color="invisible">
<image texture="/ui/elements/heroselection/picker_ap.tga" y="-0.4h" width="101%" align="center" />
<image texture="/ui/elements/heroselection/team_legion.tga" x="18%" y="-0.4h" width="420@" height="105%" align="left" />
<image texture="/ui/elements/heroselection/team_hellbourne.tga" x="-18%" y="-0.4h" width="420@" height="105%" align="right" />

<!-- Row 1 -->
<panel height="30%" color="invisible" name="agility">
<frame texture="/ui/info/backdrop.tga" width="49%" borderthickness="5.0h" color="#0aa30a" />
<frame texture="/ui/info/backdrop.tga" width="49%" align="right" borderthickness="5.0h" color="#ff3131" />
<image x="-0.7%" width="33.75@" height="135%" texture="/ui/elements/heroselection/category_agi.tga"/>
<image x="0.7%" width="33.75@" height="135%" align="right" texture="/ui/elements/heroselection/category_agi_2.tga"/>

<!-- Legion -->
<panel x="5.3%" width="44%" height="90%" valign="center" color="invisible" float="bottom">
<panel height="32%" color="invisible" float="right">
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="0" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="1" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="2" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="3" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="4" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="5" />
<panel height="32%" color="invisible" float="right">
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="6" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="7" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="8" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="9" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="10" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="11" />
<panel height="32%" color="invisible" float="right">
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="12" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="13" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="14" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="15" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="16" />
<instance name="hero_icon" width="100@" height="100%" index="17" />

this ROW 1 LEGION the "AGILITY" catergory. just add them and change the numbering.

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:59 am
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

oh so you only added one extra line in each group there i see

theres 5lines and you added a extra line which made it 6lines and then re numberd them

ok thanks il try this

thanks man

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 am
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

yes.. WARNING! every rows have there permanent numbers.. u cannot change the numbers in hellbourne to legion, or else your hero hellbourne will go to the rows of legion...

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:58 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

so i tried what you sed and its not working dude

how do you add more lines in the code without re numbering them

i added a extra line in agility like you did and then in strength and then inteli

and they all end up in the wrong slots.......... sigh

what am i doing wrong?

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:22 am
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

dude take a look with my work..only 15 slot in one category..take a look with this picture,i tried to put leechking into INTELLIGENCE category. i expect that i have 16 heroes in INTELLIGENCE LEGION category, but theres no luck for me,coz they replace the one hero into leechking.

i think DLL files is connected with this like in SHOP. i know sorditz knows about this, thats why he make only 15 slot in HON LAN 1.2.1 - 1.2.8.

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:24 pm
by eryani2010 Eternal Soldier of Newerth | 212 Posts

same here

EDIT: any help ??!?!

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:16 pm
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

i think maybe there is another file we have to edit and the game_hero_select.interface file

otherwise iv tried every other way to add more heroes and so far im unsuccessful

sordit what you say??

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:13 am
by Sordit Admin of Newerth | 475 Posts

I don´t think there is any other file connected with this. I tendet more to dll like with the shop. Or why should it be possible to go up to 15 and not beyond? Its like with shop there are max 12 items and later they changed it when they got more and more items.

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:33 am
by -}Z{- Artist of Newerth | 372 Posts

Zitat von Sordit
I don´t think there is any other file connected with this. I tendet more to dll like with the shop. Or why should it be possible to go up to 15 and not beyond? Its like with shop there are max 12 items and later they changed it when they got more and more items.

ok so any suggestions on how to make more slots then?

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RE: how to make more hero slots?

in Interface Suggestions Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:40 am
by judejingx Adjutant of Newerth | 311 Posts

Zitat von -}Z{-

Zitat von Sordit
I don´t think there is any other file connected with this. I tendet more to dll like with the shop. Or why should it be possible to go up to 15 and not beyond? Its like with shop there are max 12 items and later they changed it when they got more and more items.

ok so any suggestions on how to make more slots then?

yah! il go with sorditz, for now we cant add more hero slot, coz the HON Official have only 96 slots. we have to w8 the HON official release a new update with added there hero slot.

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