Hey guys, i've passed some time here and I finnaly decided make a hero! So I created Mario!!
I want to give thanks to judejingx to share his Mario Model to me!!
Gah, i founded a bug with the third skill ill fix it and re-post the link, sorry
Obs: This is my first hero, so many things can be Ugly :P If someone try to edit or add special effects, please share your files with me :P
Obs2: This can chanse some hero spells discription, so just add "Mario" folder or edit your Stringtables/entities_en.str with your notepad and add the Mario respective lines on your entities_en.str.
Obs3: Mario should be strenght but there was no spaces on Legion/Strenght heroes, so he's intelligence now :D
Obs4: If you want make "your Strenght/Agility" Mario go to Mario/Hero.entity and seach for "Intelligence" and change to "Strenght or Agility"