
HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:35 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

Look, months before i readed about games that work on garena but are not mentioned on gamelist, i don't know its a bug but take a look at my mad idea

When u enter in a room u get a virtual ip, right? You can see the others ip's by clicking on them nicknames in the room, from example in the attached pic

I throught on a garena room its similar to Hamachi room, but on garena only one "gameport" are opened. (like wc3: 6112)

So, its just a mad theory, if we create a Lan Game based on a supported gameport we can join it using a garena room.

Crtl + F8: connect (Garena Virtual IP):6112 (To join a Lan Game)

But the game must be hosted on the same port.

Its just a theory, i don't have 2 computers to test it, so if someone thinks this is a good theory can you test by yourself :O


Playing left 4 dead i must type on menu "Connect (Virtual IP)". I got this idea on it ;O

Attached pictures:

Last edited Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:44 pm | Scroll up


RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:15 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

any idea?

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:02 am
by Versatile Whelp of Newerth | 55 Posts

I spent a good year with L4D1 on garena, and that was the best time and worst time of my life. Garena is programmed to work with only certain games.

As a test, I had tried to host a warcraft 3 game in a killing floor game with friends, and it did not work. Why would you want to? No idea, but at least I tested the system.

I use tunngle now exclusively, and I have a tight relationship with the Tunngle team. We can create game networks on the fly, and any game that suppots LAN will work in Tunngle guaranteed. And if you are stuck, I will be there to figure it out.

Garena says they will do HoN, but the free HoN will only be for certain asian countries. That means the rest of the world needs paid subscription, so screw Garena The interface is damn ugly, and the community is horrid. Sit in any game room at night and all the people do is spam the chat room and talk about sex and drugs and lame jokes.

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:17 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

thx for the answer, tungle uses VPN connection? :P

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:38 pm
by Versatile Whelp of Newerth | 55 Posts

Yes. Tunngle is a VPN gaming solution.

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:44 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

Wow! i'll take a look at this program!

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:37 pm
by azaznin Sergeant of Newerth | 171 Posts

spark me witjh some interest.
what if we cam launch honlan,. in garena. will all player from tunngle.hamachi,comodo use this flatform?

if yes. we already hack garena!

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:19 pm
by xhakox Veteran of Newerth | 101 Posts

we can play hon on garena actually ,
in some website they got some russian community ,
tb-group something like that,
they are many active player in thin russian honlan,
i used to play on garena too with these community ,
i think its itorch version , but more stable
some hero skill icon don't have any letter that shows how the skill work
but otherwise the game is playable :D

(sorry for my bad english)

"better being a NOOB than a LEAVER"

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:03 am
by AdminReaper Veteran of Newerth | 116 Posts

Got this from TB-Group (translated with google transtalor)

1. Set HoN .. (it is desirable that the path was no Russian letters)
2. Installing Garena (where the rock look in google)
3. Who has no account of Garen checking in (there is a separate button when you start gareny necessarily should get a confirmation on the mailbox)
4. In Garen opens with Advertising up there with the right to have a number of buttons, click the play button
5. Vtkryvaetsya box with games Click the button HAWX
6. A window opens with the rooms (we go to the European)
7. Coming near the Start button, go in the settings and set the path to Hon.exe (second row leave blank), and Apply!
8. Next nadimaem Start button (in the press box poyavishemsya OK)
9. In the game (right vnizuest switching language) enters the local network Attention! Login anywhere except gareny not need and updated too!
10. In a local area network or create their own game or to whom ever we go. (Near the nickname must specify the version of assembly!)

Im going to test this after my friend arrives.

Edit: It WORKS... maybe the port used in HAWX is the same as HoN's... :P

Last edited Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:19 am | Scroll up


RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:10 am
by xhakox Veteran of Newerth | 101 Posts

of course it works , because i play there many times with the russian people .
the only thing is they speak russian , then in the chat box it was like white square ,
we cant see any letter , some of them can speak english but bad english i guess

(sorry bad english here)

"better being a NOOB than a LEAVER"

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:45 pm
by richen Adjutant of Newerth | 371 Posts

Waw! :P

It reals need to be the russian garena? :P

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RE: HoN on garena

in General Suggestions Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:41 am
by AdminReaper Veteran of Newerth | 116 Posts

Zitat von richen
Waw! :P

It reals need to be the russian garena? :P

It doesnt have to be a russian garena... you can also join a different room as long as it is inside the HAWX...

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